Some player suggestions, some adjustments to make player advancement faster for alpha testing.
The update contains the following:
- The amount of pixels you get from disassembling objects depends on the object’s value.
- The amount of pixels you get from destructibles depends on their hitpoints.
- Considerably more pixels from NPC kills.
- Considerably more coins from NPC kills.
- Considerably more experience from NPC kills.
- Overall loot drop rate has been doubled.
- The superiority-factor formula (that gives you less pixels/exp/coins when your level is way above the NPC’s level) has been nerfed (meaning that you get more).
- The specific drop rate for crafting resources has been quadrupled.
- Increased stack limit for valuables to 200.
- Increased stack limit for consumables to 50.
- You can now transfer items from containers to inventory and back with the quick action key Q.
- You can now buy 10 items at once from NPCs by pressing control and a whole stack by pressing shift.
- You can now sell 10 items at once to NPCs by pressing control and a whole stack by pressing shift.
- Berry bushes now yield more berries.