Download the game client (only for Windows so far):
Either use the installer:
The installer should take care of everything and starts the game client automatically.
…or the zip package:
After extracting the zip archive, execute oalinst.exe. This will extract the correct (32/64 bit) OpenAL32.dll to your Windows/System32-Folder. It is a library required for sound playback.
Note: you need a graphics adapter/driver with at least OpenGL 3.0 support. A dual-core CPU with 2GHz or better is recommended.
Either use the installer:
Execute Gonzo.exe. The account creation process will take place within the game client. Don’t be alarmed by possible antivir-warnings. The client contains code to start other executables, which some anti-virus softwares recognise as possible threat. In this case, however, it is harmless and needed for the convenient auto-update feature of the game client.
Have fun!