Getting Started

  1. Go to the Downloads page and follow the instructions.
  2. When first starting the game client, click “I don’t have an account yet!”
    Note: Accounts on this site (e.g. for the forum) and the game client are different.
  3. Insert username (will not be shown ingame, your character may have a different name), email address and desired password, then click “Submit”.
  4. The activation-code-textbox will unlock and an email will be sent to your address. Copy & paste the code into the text box and click “Activate”
  5. If everything went well, your accout should now be active and you’ll be notified about that.
  6. Log in with your account data.
  7. The client checks the server for the latest graphic and sound resources and updates them accordingly.
  8. Create your character by giving it a name and choosing a body.
  9. A click on the created character will put you into the game world and the journey begins…

Note: Checking “Remember Login” will create the file ‘login’ and save your data – the password will be hashed, salted with a local hardware ID. Thus, the login file will likely not be usable on another computer. This is a safety measure to prevent stealing the login file and logging in elsewhere. However, you can always log in by typing in your username and password manually. If you do so and again check “Remember Login”, that local hardware ID will be included in the hash and login files saved on other machines will become useless.

Resetting the password

If you can’t remember your password, click the expand-button on the “Login Data” window, hit “Reset Password” and provide the data needed.

Changing the password

If you want to change your password (especially recommended after resetting), use the option in the main menu in-game.