Home Forums Feedback and Suggestions Combat Boss fight AI

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    While Zero and I wanted to tag team the swamp goblin boss, when ever it was hit by either him or me, it would follow the person who last hit it. That made it rather hard to coordinate attacks. I’m not sure if this would work, but if he and I both used a ranged weapon and stood on opposite ends and attacked one after the other, then we wouldn’t have to run or get hit. With an AI that follows the player with the highest damage dealt it might be better. But then a high damage player could lure the boss and others could continuously hit the boss from behind. So both things kinda have a drawback. But that makes me wanna try out the ranged method.


    Did the bow thing with Zero, turns out it only follows the one who does the most damage. So no need to change that I guess. We also found a bug, it’s in the bug report section.

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