Monthly Archives: March 2014

Server up again!

Some fixes were made.

  • The teleportation bug that has led to server crashes has been fixed.
  • The account file mess seemed to stem from accidentally starting up more than one game server instance.
    Some changes were made with account files:

    • Never save empty accounts (i.e. that have no player object) – so no correct file can be overwritten with empty data.
    • A start script now checks if there already is a server running.
    • Account files are saved redundantly – just in case somethings happens to them anyway.

Im not as optimistic to say that server crashes won’t happen again. But hopefully the bug fix will reduce the frequency of the server crashing.
Also, there are still bugs in the game client that lead to client crashes – those will be tackled next! 🙂


Server off

The game server is offline until further notice.
The server may have accidentally erased some account files (and therefore the characters of those accounts!). This probably affects the players that were logged in last.

I’m deeply sorry, guys!

The server will go online again when this bug is fixed, so it won’t happen again.

It seems that only my own account file is affected. 🙂 Bad enough. The above still stands.

The server will stay offline at least for the night, just so you know.

Never mind Update1 – there are broken player account files for sure.


Just a heads up

I just wanted to remind y’all, that I have worked on this project alone so far.
So there’s no big team, no company, noone to rip anyone off or making a half-assed game for simple profit.

A good friend of mine, Lithion, helped me in the past and did now join the staff to coordinate the forums. But he is far from being able to work full-time on Gonzo right now.
We are genuine indie game developers and will make this one great!

So please cut us some slack. It may take some time, but it’s going to be awesome!

By the way, you Polish guys are sensational!


Server crashes and page hits – oh my!

Apparently put Gardens of Gonzo in their news and spawned over a thousand hits from Poland on this page in only the last few hours.

Didn’t expect a rush like this. 🙂
The game server still got a (few) bug(s) that crashes it. (I suspect this happens when a player is teleported to the last respawn point.)

I’m heavily working on it – thanks for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience!

Increased the world save frequency to every 5 minutes to reduce the loss of exp, level and loot through timewarp on server crash.