Category Archives: Other

Server Under Maintenance

Dear players,

the game server will be closed for maintenance until somewhere next week.
We need this time to update the server and game contents to the new, overhauled

Stay tuned and thank you for your patience!



Yep, this project is actually alive.

It may not seem like it though. But Gonzo is being worked at diligently.

It’s got a new graphics engine that should provide much better frame rates and gives us the opportunity to build in lighting, weather and other nice effects more easily.
Based on the knowledge we’ve gained from the first release in March this year, we are currently overhauling inventory, economy, combat, crafting, character development, loot, items – basically a lot of stuff. There will be new regions in the game world, waiting for players to explore. NPC dialogs and first quests will be introduced, along with the potential to create your own. Thousands of new graphic textures have been added to the game – be sure to check out the readme file for credits and links.

Game server and client are under development. You can log on, build stuff and play the game as far as it goes at this point. You may encounter crashes (in fact, we’ve fixed a few just recently). Things may be odd; especially if you log on in a time when changes on the live server happen. Please be aware that, in this development time and until further notice, your items (dynamic objects in your possession) may be removed from the server when they get obsolete or replaced. When the character system changes, skill points and runes may be lost. Anyhow, when the 2nd release goes officially on-line, all player characters will be fully resetted to level 0, all their dynamic belongings will be removed. This wipe does not include static constructions on your estates or worlds. We reserve the right, however, to delete estates and worlds that we find to be not that much sophisticated. But don’t worry. If you have built even the simplest of recognisable structure (like a small house or even just a storage), you’re safe.

We plan to get that 2nd release live somewhere in the later months this year. Every player who already has an account will be notified via email. A full list of changes since the last change log will be issued at release time.

That’s it for now. See ya later!

Monday Update

The update contains:

  • Bugfix: character limit per line when removing characters over line break fixed.
  • Bugfix: internal server fixes that caused object deletion errors on clients.
  • Change: reworked combat music; many thanks to Kuchner!
  • New: single item unstacking with mouse drag&drop or Q while having SHIFT pressed.
  • New: you can now also plant seeds when they lay on the ground individually (not as stack).


Coming up next: reworking of enemy NPCs, making combat way more challenging…


Some changes, additions and fixes

The update contains:

  • Automatic line breaks in text input windows. The automatic line break right now is per-character. This will be improved to make it break per-word in the future.
  • Remaining effect duration is now shown.
  • Changed some text colors in the message window (From:, To:, Subject:) to make it a bit more appealing.
  • Deco base objects are now shown when being in editor -> object -> deco mode and hovering over a deco object.
  • Bugfix: Un-fixing non-planted seeds won’t destroy them anymore.
  • Bugfix: Dynamically updated objects (such as opened doors) are now correctly updated, even if no player is around (fixes the doors-not-closing-if-too-far-away-bug).
  • Fixed rendering of deco objects when the base object isn’t on-screen. However, if the base object is too far away (like 1 room or more), there are still some rendering issues, so don’t connect deco objects with base objects too far away.
  • Refreshed buff, Exhausted debuff and Frozen debuff weakened.
  • Haste buff strengthened.