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    I was sending you a message reply and at that exact moment, the “Server will shut down NOW!” notification showed up. And the game closed. I restarted the game right after that. No updates or anything. And as soon as I get into the game “Server will shut down NOW!” is displayed as a notification and I’m out again. I waited a few minutes and tried again, same result. Then waited some more minutes and it was all black and the game closes. Tried again after that and got into the game with the same notification and the game closed.

    I’m not sure if you’re updating the client or something. But for some reason I can get into the game during that process if that’s the case. Or there is no client update and it’s a bug that I get that notification. Don’t know. I will try again and also try something else.

    Edit: Ok… this is really odd… I tried logging into a different account and was able to get into and stay in the game. But the game closed a bit after. I tried again with the other account and this time it took me a bit to connect to the server. Then when I was in the game again, I could move and such. But it was laggy when moving. (Also the account got points now) Then I was going to send an in game message to you and now got the same problem with that account.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Tigerlime.

    It works now for me.


    It doesn’t work for me. Still get the same thing.

    Did you send an message to Rammy? Because it happened right after sending an message to Rammy.


    No, I didn’t. I was just walking around when the “Server will shut down NOW!” message shows up. After that i was away from my PC like 30 min – 1h but when I came back everything was alright.


    Hmm… Strange.

    I just tried again. Still the same problem. As soon as I get in the game “Server will shut down NOW!” and I’m out of the game again. It has been like that the whole day.

    Could you send Rammy a message to see if you get the same problem? Unless you don’t want to risk not being able to log in till it’s fixed. Because I got it with 2 Accounts right after sending him a message.

    Also, when I try to get into the game, the first time there is no problem connecting with the server. But when I try again right after, I have to wait a bit for it to connect to the server.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Tigerlime.

    I send him a message that you where dropped by the server and you are unable to play now. For me is still working. I have no ideea what would be your issue.


    This seems fixed now. I can log in.

    Edit: Maybe it’s not fully fixed… I’m still having some issues. But I can get into the game.
    Edit: I just send a message again to Rammy and got the same problem. Makes me wonder. But I prefer not to write about it here in the forums.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Tigerlime.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Tigerlime.

    You think that he bugged you to not send him messages?


    This is a current bug that occurs, when messages are being sent that are too long. I don’t understand how I could overlook this one. It will be fixed with the next update. I’ll delete your present messages, Tigerlime, so they won’t be sent to me or you on login.


    Oh… Wow… That’s… Interesting…

    So that’s all it was. I did wonder about being able to write a lot more in the last line of an message, but I thought it was meant that way to fit in a bit more if someone wasn’t done writing. I never thought it was a bug, and never would have related this bug with that.

    Thank you for the info. Could you do the same for the other account?

    Edit: You can also exceed writing something with signs in the last line. Might be a bug too? But then I would have to redo all the signs. And that’s a lot of work…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Tigerlime.
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