Random Item Modifiers and New Skills implemented!

Another crafting-related update is live! It contains the following:
- Item +x modifiers.
- Four new construction tree skill branches.
- A skill reset NPC.
- Equipped gear of other players is now visible in the right-click context window.
- Constructions runes are now granted for crafting/repairing/disassembly actions.
Item Modifiers
Items like weapons and armors can now yield a modifier in the range from -3 to +5. The +-x value means, that there are altogether x points added to or deducted from any of the raw values of weapons or armors. Skill prerequisite checks are only done on base values. If your skills allows to wield sharpness tier 5 weapons, you can still wield a “Sharpness Tier 5 + 2” weapon, dealing damage and effects of sharpness tier 7. On the contrary, a “Sharpness Tier 4 – 1” weapon still needs the skill for tier 4, but deals only tier 3 damage. Values like length and stability affect stamina drain and attack frequency. However, again only the base values are taken into account for that. So a “Length 3 + 1” weapon hits as fast as a normal “Length 3” weapon, while having a greater range. Nice, isn’t it? Also, the coin value of weapons and armors is affected by modifiers.

- NPCs now have a chance to drop -3 to +1 gear.
- NPC Merchants only spawn normal gear in their trade inventory.
- You can acquire gear up to +5 by crafting. You need luck and skill, though. Without skill, the base chance to craft an item with a positive modifier is 5% and you’ll only be able to craft +1 gear. So start distributing skill points in the construction tree.
New Skills
There are 4 new skill branches in the construction tree. They do the following:
- Reduce pixel and resource cost for crafting and repairing.
- Increase pixel and resource return when disassembling items.
- Enable +2, +3, +4 and +5 modifiers for crafting.
- Increase the chance for applying modifiers on crafting.
The Witch
A new NPC that grants skill resets for a fee.

Players’ Gear
You can now see what other players are wearing and wielding by right-clicking on them.

Whoah, now that was quite an update. I guess there will be some overpowered combinations of weapons/armors with those modifiers – tweaking is inevitable in the future. But so far, I hope you have fun with the new features.
Have a nice Sunday!